Aussie Tourist Warns of Painful Encounter with Toxic Beetle in Bali

Australian TikToker Natalie Carroll, 24, has shared her painful experience in Bali after coming into contact with a toxic Tomcat beetle.

Aussie Tourist Warns of Painful Encounter with Toxic Beetle in Bali

During her holiday, Natalie woke up on November 7 with painful blisters on her leg. At first, she thought it was a jellyfish sting, but after the area became inflamed and more painful, she called a doctor.

The doctor diagnosed her condition as a reaction to the Tomcat beetle's toxin. These insects, known locally in Bali, don’t bite but release a toxin that causes severe burning, stinging, and blistering when touched.

Natalie was prescribed antibiotics and ointment to manage the condition, but the pain made her trip challenging. “I couldn’t swim or even shower properly because I had to keep it dry,” she shared on TikTok.

The Australian Department of Health advises washing the affected area immediately with warm soapy water, applying antiseptic or antihistamine cream, and using a cold compress to ease symptoms if exposed to Tomcat beetles.

Tourists in Bali are encouraged to stay cautious, especially while sleeping or near vegetation, to avoid similar encounters.


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